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Strandberg Boden Essential 6 Black Granite guitare électrique sans tête avec housse

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le mercredi 28 août 2024

Mise à jour le 28-08-2024 13:54

Strandberg Boden Essential 6 Black Granite guitare électrique sans tête avec housse

A touch more affordable than most .strandberg* models, the Boden Essential 6 electric guitar grants access to a masterclass of a model. The solid meranti body has been finished with ergonomic and, even elegant, contouring - all in the aim of maximising comfort, while the headless design and trimmed down shape bring the weight all the way down to just 2.15 kilos. These details alone help reduce the playing fatigue and aches and pains involved in longer playing sessions. Every example of the Boden Essential 6 comes with a pre-installed set of D’Addario NYXL 10-46 strings and a gig bag.

Prix : 1099.00 €

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